Fred, so glad ya'll are ok!
Now for the bad news..... I had a girl back up into my front end of the Rocket a couple months ago. Not near as much damage as you have BUT Snake Farm Ins, the value of the bike, even with custom paint & all ofthe mods, was only about $4500 with 40,000 miles on it. Your mileage is prolly that or more.
I also retained the bike to repair myself. When that happens, they deduct the "salvage value" from the $4500 actual value & pay you the difference. The salvage value was about $2100
- You do the math..........
Now hopefully, the salvage value will be less on yours since it has more parts that are damaged that should knock that salvage value down. you need to make sure & tell them the bike does not crank, won't run, even tell them the engine is trashed. Since it will be considered a total loss anyway, convince them that as many parts are damaged as you can, so that the salv value will be less & obviously less will be deducted from the actual value = more $$ for you