Well, the night started out great

Fred Fred Fred and Melissa, after all that gearbox work glad all are okay now you should move down to Florida where the deer are as big as poddles, I got your PM Fred I am teaching an Advanced rider class this morning But I will give you a call when I am done.
Twas a clear sunny day. I was riding a straight section of a 2 lane mountain road at 60 mph behind a lady in a Subaru. There was great forward visability and the woods had been cleared back to the right of way, 75 feet from both sides of the pavement.
I was fixing to pass, but when I realized the freeway was just 3 miles ahead, I chilled.
Right then a huge deer came out of the wood from my left at a full run! Two seconds later the deer impacted the left front Subaru fender. The deer right front shoulder and leg boomeranged at my head! I was able to duck as the shank flew over my head, just when I was starting to brake. The Subaru lady was hysterical and I had been educated.
Deer are FAST! If they are running at you - you are fu*ked!
Well Fred these thing happen. I am glad you and the wifey are only scuffed up a little. I agree buy back the bike and fix her or buy another Rocket that if all else fails you can use the parts on. As for the corbin bags I found out how well they collapse and disintegrate on the asphault. Worthless Nice lookin pieces of crap.