Well, the night started out great

I thought this was another motor broke thread.
SO SORRY to read of this crash, Fred. Please give Melissa a hug for me.
Wishing you both full and speedy recoveries.
Fred glad the 2 of you will be OK. Just in time for the new Rockets coming out soon.

I got 2 deer with my 18 wheeler a few Sundays ago. Another driver about a week later about a half mile down the road from my deer hit.... got a HORSE.
OUCH!! That sux. Glad you and the Mrs. didn't get seriously hurt.

We have an abundance of deer around here so I rarely ride at night. Worst time is at dusk, especially during the rut. A year or two ago a town not far from me, Fayetteville NY, actually hired shooters to "thin" the deer population. It helped, lots less deer related accidents reported.

Again, glad you two didn't get hurt too bad.