Hi all, I'm Ian from Berkshire in the UK.
Recently bought a nice unmolested black 2011 R3T with 4500 miles on the clock. Was an accidental purchase in that I never intended to buy one... I went on a bit of a road trip on Route 66 last summer with Bike Tours for the Wounded, UK (there is a US Bike Tours for the Wounded just started if anyone is interested) where I was riding with a veteran as pillion. Anyway, that was 10 days on one of those unwieldy Harleys. Never thought I'd like cruisers but the trip made me consider it.
When back in the UK I thought I'd take a look at what was available. Went to the local HD dealership where nothing floated my boat. Headed on over to my Triumph dealer to look at Thunderbird Storms but they didn't have any. They did have this Rocket 3 Touring sat in the lot though. Salesman started it up and asked if I wanted a test ride. Be rude not to I thought. Got back and asked him how much they wanted for it. Bought it there and then. Picked it up a couple of weeks later which gave me time to think of a good reason that my bike-hating wife would accept. Needless to say I was in the dog house for a while.
I've just switched out the standard exhausts for a pair of TOR equivalents that I had made by a chap in the UK, and will no doubt make further changes etc in the coming months.
I have lots of forum reading to do and will try not to ask stupid questions...
All the best,