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Hello @viper50pilot and welcome from VA. Your professional vernacular will translate well to the R3. You will find a target rich environment ahead as you flow through the motions and checking your six will be only to see how fast your prey falls behind. And even better, your new ride has a longer ride time than your Viper does…
Hey Viper (F-16 pilot by any chance???) Welcome to the forum from Sunny South Florida
Hi, I'm Paul from Northern Virginia.

I'm a wannabe Rocket Touring rider.

I've had an ST1300 for ten years, and just sold a Suzuki 650 V-Strom after two years. I was riding the V-Strom as my daily rider, and my left hand was killing me in the stop-and-go traffic twice a day. So I purchased a 2014 Honda CTX700D . . . with the automatic transmission. I love it.

From the law of unintended consequences, that bike is the first I've ever had with a cruiser configuration. Almost comical for the first couple of weeks I'd pick up my feet from a stop and try to put them on the non-existent pegs, then fish around forward until finding the floor boards.

Then the other day, I dropped the ST, and told myself, I have to switch to a cruiser. I test rode a 2014 Rocket, and was amazed. I love 1) water cooled; 2) NOT a V-twin; 3) NOT loud; 4) shaft drive; 5) comfortable; 6) some luggage, wind screen, back-rest included; 7) active owner group (this one) with obviously fine people.

Just wondering what will be the cost of ownership . . . how practical to do one's own maintenance vs. trips to the local dealer ?

Insurance ?
Hi I'm Ned just bought myself a 2014 Rocket 3 3 weeks ago. So far managed to get a 1000 miles on it and loving it. Having come from a sportsbike I am finding the riding position a dream. Wife loves being on it as well.
Born and raised in Ill. Lived in Washington State sense 1971. In a few d ays I will turn 69. Purchased 2011 R3R October 2013. January 30, 2014 at just past noon a DUI driver crossed the center lain and hit me head on. My R3R was totaled and I was almost totaled. Heart stop twice, seven weeks and 8 operations later out of Harbor View hospital. Out of rehab and home for two mths. Still a long way to go... Thanks again for the support and prayers. I am a living miracle.

Ride safe and look out for the other guy!
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