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a ride to colo. this june would be the best way ( that I know) to find a good riding group should be plenty of rocket riders to meet up with and ride out together
Welcome. Would you trade your Rocket in for a cherry 1969 Plymouth GTX with a 440 6pack?

Now if that GTX had a 426 Hemi I might trade my Rocket for it! I said "might" .
Holy $hit!
This thread started on 2006?!?!?
Hello all, From Medicine Hat, AB. Ride a 2005 Rocket classic, custom painted this past winter. Candy apple electric blue with white striping, white glows in the dark.
Hello all, From Medicine Hat, AB. Ride a 2005 Rocket classic, custom painted this past winter. Candy apple electric blue with white striping, white glows in the dark.
that sounds awesome now some REAL pictures your avatar one is to small to appreciate
Oh and a Welcome from one of the Aussies ..... you will notice there are a few here
Hi y'all,
I'm the proud owner of an 05 Red Rocket 3, and that's what i'll call her. I'm here in McDonough GA. not more than 2 hours from the north Georgia Mountains and the Blue Ridge Parkway. I have been riding a 95 Honda Magna 750. Ahd Now I'm Riding With The BIG Boys...Weedoggie.

Welcome from Kennewick, Wa
Hi, I'm Rocketman Dan from Wisconsin. I have a 2006 Rocket 3, blue with tribal accents. Bought it new in '06 and have over 30,000 miles on it. Just this week I noticed the front left fork leaking oil, other than that (and replacing the rear tire 4 times), I haven't had a single problem with it! I take it to work each day, which is probably why I'm the only one coming into work with a smile! I also have a Suzuki DR650 I keep at my cottage in northern Wisconsin-another great bike with tons of power.
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