Nothing 'Merican in there (apart from hilariously lousy translations of "technical" posts here or on other US-hosted forums). Just two dozens or so of francophone (Franco-Swiss thus far) T'Bird pioneers/members.
Fell free to register on my behalf, if you so fancy
Thanx Jamie... I was looking for a forum 'bout the T-Bird, even though I still don't have one (a T-Bird that is...) & the only one (forum that is...) that I found, was this here one... So I subscribed, but I'd hate to be any kind of a nuisance... So I guess that I'll check the francophone forum out, but I personally prefer to be on an English speaking forum... Hope it don't bother nobody...
I sold my Rocket and bought a T-Bird back in December and never looked back, and I have no regrets. I still hang out here, however, as I feel like I owe it to them to convince of the err in their ways.
I've personally test-driven a Rocket III myself... & I must say (though I know that I shouldn't on here...) that I was rather disappointed by it's handling... It's like it was as "wide" as a car, & riding it in the Parisian traffic jams, deprived it completely of any advantage of a "real" bike over other cars (4 wheel boxes!)... It's almost the same thing that is the worst default of a Gold-wing...:kk:
When I tried to register on that site, I got an email to konfirm my inscription, & When I click on the link in it, it opened only a blank page... & when I [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]copied (copy) the link (paste) into my browser's address bar and then pressed enter[/FONT] - I got a page telling me that this account has been activated, & to enter my ID into the main page... But by opening the main page, I get again the blank page... What should I do next?
I got it... It was only a "virtual glitch" that cleared itself all by itself... I'll be posting there soon...
That there forum is a quite surprising place... I had to come back on here... Though, I did send U 2 PMs on here, but my sent messages don't appear in my "sent messages" folder on here... Did U get my 2 PMs?
I looked at this bike in a picture and at the show room. In person the bike looks much better. I like the different style rocker arm for shifting and the kickstand. I don't like the single head lmp. I preffer the two on my classic. Nothing will replace the Rocket.