Weird starting problem.


Standard Bore
Jun 2, 2009
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Ok, details of bike first:

It's a 09 Rocket 3 classic with 6400 UK miles on the clock. In completely standard trim, no mods, nothing. i commute almost every day on it and have owned it from new since august last year.


This morning i get on it and press the starter button and nothing happens. the electrics are on and working and it has completed the sweep of the needles but nothing. No life or attempt to start. At first i think the button has 'gone'. then i hear a strange alarm noise coming from the bike. on closer inspction (with ear plugs out and helemet off) the noise is an electrical surging noise coming from the wire that runs along side the bear-claw and clips into the block at the front (the one that follows the metal 'pipe' thing along the bear claw by the left hand sie). fter disconnecting this wire and then spraying it with WD40 and replacing it, it still does it. the connectors seated properly and clips in fine. none of the wires look bad.

Magically after thumbing the starter motor for a few minutes it suddenly gurgles into life and runs like nothing has happened. I drove it to work as normal and all was fine and now it refuses to do it again. It starts first time and doesn't emit the noise. no Check engine light, nothing...

There was no surging or bad idle or anything like that, just this funny whir, whir noise coming from this wire and it refuses to start, now it's all working again.

Any ideas? is it waiting to break down at a more inconvenient moment?

before everyone bombards you with thigns to check, what have you checked?

starting problems usually start ( or dont start as the case may be) with the battery, and its terminals.
then if the battery terminals are tight and the battery is in good condition making full power there are other areas to check.

on the Rocket, the clutch must be pulled in so that sensor can go bad or get corroded, and the same for the sidestand sensor.

also grounding issues, as well as starter solenoid issues. ( corrosion on the contacts for the starter etc.

Id check all of those things before even attempting to diagnose any other areas.

the actuall starter button itself or the relay could also be bad or corroded.
(easy to check if the other areas pass inspection)

I know your UK weather is tough on bikes.

the noise you hear under the bear claw, could be the electrically controlled secondaries being activated. the fuel pump is in the tank and the Fuel pressure regulator is along the right side if memory serves me.
( I get confuesed with the sprint and tiger I also have worked on sometimes)

there is also a fuse under the seat, but if the fuse were blown it would not start at all. and if it was not groundign properly you'd have more issues startign when hot, not cold.

have you downloaded the service manual? its a big help and available on this site if you look under any post by Bishop ( Marcus)

good luck!!
Ok, plot thickens.

After not doing it all of yesterday (except in the morning), it came back again this morning. Weird thing is, it started first time and ran like a champ, so that pretty much rules out side stand, kill switch (i never use it anyway as per manual) and starter etc.

I haven't had time to look at the battery terminals, but the electrics work fine and dandy and it's plugged into an optimate battery charger when not in use so the battery is pretty much tip-top. i'll have a look when i get the time.

So not being related to any of the cut out switches or saftey gear, any ideas? it's just a pulsing noise through one of the wires. I can probably get a video of it if it helps.

take the 2 minutes to pop the seat and check your terminal connections.

if one is loose at all, your electrics could still work, but you'll not get a full load of juice to the starter and the problem could be intermittent

tighten them both up!
I'll have a look at the battery tonight and see if I can't tighten the screws any. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Maybe I should add battery tightening to my cleaning and maintenence routine.
thats a good idea, it may not be your problem,

BUT most electrical and starter problems can be traced to loose connections, or corrosion on connections.

it may look tight, but make sure, and make sure there is no corrosion on the connection.

one of my other Triumphs would not start, so I went to remove the battery to put it on the charger, and imediately noticed that the terminal loosened up wayyy too easily.. so I just tightened them both up and it started right away
sadly, it's nothing obvious.

The battery terminals were clean and fully tightened. i gave them a quick re-tighten and there is really no way those could not have been making contact. I put WD-40 into the clutch switch and stand cut out and they both seem to be OK. I know i ride in winter and all that, but i do keep it clean.

Now the MIL / Check engine light has come on and isn't going out...

Back to the dealers it goes... (for the third time, grumble, grumble...)

Cheers for all the help guys, but at this point, it's under warranty and the light is on.. it's not for me to look at anymore.

Cheers again.