Yes, you described how I've been doing it, as well, which is why I called the thread "Weird Oil Change Experience."
@BillyIndiana usually nothing to it. Having three drain bolts is different compared to all the other bikes I've owned, but other than this one strange incident, it's always been pretty straightforward.
The ground clearance leaves little room for most oil change pans, so I roll her up onto two sections of 2X10s and use an old gallon oil jug for a drain pan that I cut out a large hole from in one of the sides. Empty it into another container after removing the first drain plug (oil tank) and before moving on to the other two plugs, so you don't overflow.
I put two sections of 2X plus a thinner piece of wood under the kick stand to level the bike and a couple of 4X4s plus scrap under the engine guard rail on the other side in case she tips the other way. Bike in gear. Tie down straps wouldn't be a bad idea for backup.
Torque wrench for sure (25NM / 18.5 ft lbs) on all three drain bolts.
The manual shows the drain bolt configuration as if you were looking up at the engine from under the bike. I flopped the illustration in PhotoShop as if looking through the motor from the top down, which I find easier to visualize, but many (most?) others may find this confusing
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