Way to fix tire iron dents from shop?

Just make them replace the rim. Problem solved. No courts and fuss. They apologized thus admitting they did it. Should be simple
Next time take it somewhere that has a aluminum/mag wheel changer. The same type machine that changes tires on corvettes, sport cars, etc... I have ran one of those machines back in the day when I worked at a tire shop. If the operator knows how to truly run the machine.... there should be no scratching of the wheel.

If a car tire is installed it makes the job much harder than changing a motorcycle tire.
The bad thing about the Triumph un-coated alloy rims is that they are soft and mar easily (especially near someone who shouldn't be allowed to hold a tire iron).

The good thing is that they can be sanded and kinda worked back into shape. You can't fill in, but you can pretty easily smooth out. I could have spent more time, but this'll have to do for now.

Here's the before and after showing the worst spot- there were several. The white in the photos are reflections of the lights overhead.

Before / After...

Couple of fine run's with an AC tig welder to build it back up then grind\sand down. used to have alloy car rims come in all the time to be repaired.