Way to fix tire iron dents from shop?


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
Well, just came back from getting my rear tire mounted. Thought I'd try a new shop. This one wanted $35 to mount and balance if I brought the wheel in, but of course they couldn't balance it. They scratched and dented my rims with the tire tool. I saw them struggling with their machine and thought I should check. They were sorry, blah, blah, blah..... What's done is done.

I did better with hand tools myself the one time I got the rear off, but I thought I got off lucky not butchering the rims and should take it to the "pros." I've used two other shops in the past with no significant problems, but these guys left traces of their "work" in several places (see photo of one). This is why I work on my own bikes.

There's a thread going on now on replacing your own tires. I'm good with the front and both tires on my '98 Thunderbird Sport, but that rear is something else. I guess I'll give it another go myself next time. I'm already having to balance the tires, since no one in my area can handle that.

So, back to my issue. I'm wondering how to minimize the tire iron dents- they're small but if every time I get new tires this happens (about 2x/year, **** this bike goes through rubber) they'll be trashed in two or three years. I know I can't eliminate them, but can I sand them down to smooth out the dings?

Anyone have any experience here or sage advice they'd mind sharing? I'd appreciate it. IMG_3410.JPG
Had the same problem with the Harley. It is a fatboy with chrome rims. In 2010 you had to pay a extra $2,000 for the chrome. After taking some pics and getting a hold of my lawyer they decided it was best to replace them. Nowadays with the Rocket I take my rims to the Honda dealer in Tulsa. The shop equipment at the Honda dealers works rather well with the Rocket rims and tires. I still balance my own rims and tires but they are capable of the same. Given the fact that we are talking about a Rocket X with blacked out rims i still have no scratch marks at all. Make them fix it.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Not sure they'd even know how. My problems don't come anywhere close to what you have going on Sonny, (I'm following your story and feeling for you, man, with two daughters of my own), but I just got too much crap on my plate to fight this particular fight. Lesson learned and move on. I'd still like to minimize the damage somehow if I can. Thanks for taking the time to chime in. I hope your granddaughter is as half as strong as you are. If so, she'll be OK. Hope to meet you in Maggie Valley in June.
Don't let them get away with it. They will continue to do sub standard work and screw up other peoples bikes unless someone puts the heat on them. Most guys that do tire changes in shops are not really what you would call mechanics. They are under instruction if you know what i mean. Still no excuses for such work. Someone should have been watching and following through with proper instruction. Am fine got my head screwed on straight. Granddaughter is fine when she comes home she gets the keys to a brand new pick up with conditions. School full time no if and or but. Maggie Valley is a go. I'll be there.
Don't let them get away with it. They will continue to do sub standard work and screw up other peoples bikes unless someone puts the heat on them. Most guys that do tire changes in shops are not really what you would call mechanics. They are under instruction if you know what i mean. Still no excuses for such work. Someone should have been watching and following through with proper instruction. Am fine got my head screwed on straight. Granddaughter is fine when she comes home she gets the keys to a brand new pick up with conditions. School full time no if and or but. Maggie Valley is a go. I'll be there.
At MV your first beer is on me
Your 3rd to 12th or more will be on me. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: As long as they are pumping i'll be buying. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: I owe you folks on here a lot. Flying back and forth from Texas and dealing with relatives and avoiding trouble along with taking care of the animals here at the place has taken its toll. Screwed up and lost my temper but doing good now. Keeping it cool no matter what. Lets not hi jack the thread. Make them fix it.
Took my Kawasaki in for the tire to be mounted at a local bike shop a few years ago. I already had the tire, the rear, and it cost me $45 to have them put it on, did a good job and greased the axel and all.
The next year I took the front tire in and they charged me $65! (Took the bike in.)
This last spring I took the same front tire -off the bike- to a different shop because it had a slow leak somewhere. $85!!!! I'm done with that. I'll have to learn the tricks to do my own.
When I was younger, I had no qualms replacing my own tires on the Honda 750.