Watcher went down

everyone thank you for the well wishes

was on interstate 75 headed south it started to rain hard slowed to 55 to 60 my dad was behind me in his I hydro planed not a little a lot shot me into guard rail spun thats when I was ejected out (yes no seat belt I don't wear one because of pacemaker) my dad drove under me he's still not right messed him up in the head more than my injurys his is still sitting in KY he don't want to drive it any more a cop seen the whole thing and swore I was dead could not believe it when I got off the road a few min later spitting out blood and asking if my dad was ok. I have a few surveys to go yet but I am still here. I don't know how I hit the inside rail and landed in the 3rd hammer lane and didn't get ran over. update 6 busted ribs both knees tore up and balk and blue head to toe

Pretty sure we have seat belt laws in all but New Hampshire that would be applicable to the Slingshot.
The differences are primarily in whether or not the wearing of a helmet is required.
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