Just got back from shortened touring trip to France . . on the train. I wont waste your time with my moans, but just tell you the facts.
After topping up the Roadster tank on a rainy morning, we rode steadily out of Blaine. At the 2nd mini roundabout, I had to brake a little for a lorry to pass. a few metres further on, level with the mini roundabout, doing maybe 5mph, the slightest left lean, and the back wheel span around and I had the minciest high side ever seen. HOWEVER . . . the crashbar took the weight well, but bent slightly and touched the 'cam chain tensioner' housing. The housing cracked and allowed my engine oil an escape route. This is a trip ender.
On inspection at the time and again when the bike was recovered by AA Europe, the tank breather pipe is wet with fuel dripping . . . right in front of the left side of the rear wheel. I am going to re-route my breathers, so that the fuel spewing forth, evaporates before coating the road. Be safe - all you rocketeers.
PS. . . in case you think you may be fast enough to stop the high side, this bike is my slow rocket, my daily ride is a supercharged classic. Watch those breather pipes.
PPS. AA europe had my bike delivered to my house in the midlands, this morning at 0800; only 14 hours after I had arrived home !! 68 hours after the spill !