Never mind the stickers, try finding the 10 pages of useful information literally crammed into 178 pages of the user manual.
amongst my faves:-
Do not lend your motorcycle to others. [no kidding]
This motorcycle is...not designed for off-road use. [see above]
In an accident, a motorcycle does not give the same impact protection as a car. [see above]
Never attempt to ride with the side stand down [see ab.... - oh, you get the idea]
Do not carry animals on the motorcycle
Never swallow antifreeze
Never swallow battery acid
Never wax .... the brake disks
There are actually 220(!) warnings and cautions (yeah, slow evening here)
I don’t know what kind of battery acid swilling, animal carrying, brake disk waxing lunatics they think buy their bikes, but I think straight forward Darwinism would have eliminated most of these before they got into a position where they could get their hands on a 2500cc motorcycle. Apart from me of course, I’m off to chug a pint of antifreeze while I flick matches into my gas tank, laters.