Warning Sticker Removal

Never mind the stickers, try finding the 10 pages of useful information literally crammed into 178 pages of the user manual.

amongst my faves:-

Do not lend your motorcycle to others. [no kidding]
This motorcycle is...not designed for off-road use. [see above]
In an accident, a motorcycle does not give the same impact protection as a car. [see above]
Never attempt to ride with the side stand down [see ab.... - oh, you get the idea]
Do not carry animals on the motorcycle
Never swallow antifreeze
Never swallow battery acid
Never wax .... the brake disks

There are actually 220(!) warnings and cautions (yeah, slow evening here)

I don’t know what kind of battery acid swilling, animal carrying, brake disk waxing lunatics they think buy their bikes, but I think straight forward Darwinism would have eliminated most of these before they got into a position where they could get their hands on a 2500cc motorcycle. Apart from me of course, I’m off to chug a pint of antifreeze while I flick matches into my gas tank, laters.

The kid will argue with you on number two along with the three effin ejits who followed him.
I had a warning sticker on my HD... that you can only see when you lift the seat to fuel... but still... The glue was so bad I ended up covering it with a an American flag sticker... Heh!
I removed all of the ones from my ATV and replaced them with various other warning stickers from other things. My favorite is the one from my kids old trampoline that says "never attempt backflips"

They look like the normal crap that comes on there, until you actually read therm!
Careful there! Those warnings are there to save your life.

How else will you know that you shouldn't check the gas level in the tank by using a match?

I use the acetylene torch, brighter light

I have heard it suggested, that if we ever have a population problem to just remove all the warning labels and warnings in the books so common sense can prevail and thin the herd of the rest
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I use the acetylene torch, brighter light

I have heard it suggested, that if we ever have a population problem to just remove all the warning labels and warnings in the books so common sense can prevail and thin the herd of the rest

Reactions: wjb
My service tech removed several of mine for me at delivery. He likes peeling them off. After he peeled off the sticker he just kept dabbing the sticker to the leftover adhesive and in short order it was all gone.