Wanting to derestrict stock Roadster using tuneecu.

I was going to use updated stock map 20222, which already raises idle a bit. Ok, then I'll modify it only by copying I3 to I1 & I2, no messing with secondaries.

And depending on your weather conditions the fan turn on temp.

As far as I know, factory setting is 103C. We have a moderate climate with temperatures rarely exceeding 25-30C in summer, so is it ok or should I lower it a bit?
Temp should be fine if it seems hot do not be afraid to drop the turn on temp a couple degrees. Im not sure where you got the new tune but look at the ignition tables to see if its aready had the changes. If not go ahead. Remember what ever changes yo make m7st be saved either over the top of the one you have open or smarter to just rename it and then load it into the ecu. This apply to all changes in the map. It will flash quickly as a lot will be the same.
I got that tune from Tuneecu site.
Thanks for help!

However, after looking carefully at the map in TuneECU there is still one thing I don't get.
  • secondaries are operating on 1/2/3rd gear. On 4/5th gear they are 100%open all the time- understood
  • F and L tables determine fuelling (F1/L1- 1st cyllinder, F2/L2-2nd cyllinder etc.)- understood
  • opening secondaries without adjusting fuelling will disturb air to fuel ratio- understood.
Question is: why there are no seperate fuelling tables for 4/5th gear, when secondaries are fully open? It seems to me that there should be 2, or even 3 different sets of fuelling tables. One for 1st and 2nd gear, when secondaries operate in restrictive way. Second set for 3rd gear, when secondaries operate, but slightly less restrictive. And finally third set for 4/5th gear, when secondaries don't work at all.
But there is only one set of fuelling tables, which applies to 1st gear when airflow is significantly impeded by secondaries, as well as to 4th gear, when intake is fully opened. It doesn't make sense to me
Your right, there should be more tables, but there aren’t. That’s usually why people leave em full open all the time, consistency in tuning.

The by gear thing was something I pursued and found it is ultimately not necessary. A good tune that fine tunes both F and L tables will have it running good in all conditions.
So generally stock fuelling tables may work with fully opened secondaries, but may as well run the engine too lean and it has to be dyno-tested to find out? Or is it possible that ECU will self-adjust to that after 15-minutes idle from cold and everything will be fine?

12min reset won´t do the job.
And stock fueling is defintly much too lean in 4th and 5th at higher revs with 100% secondaries.
Well, congratulations to Triumph for making a solution that doesn't work in neither case...

Ok, it turns out that I'll leave everything as is until I find a good dyno.
Is the "ignition timing only" mod even worth bothering? All in all it affects only a small range of RPMxThrottle position. And isn't it also dangerous to engine without dyno-check?
Ok, then I'll change the ignition timing, but leave secondaries untouched until I find a proper dyno that can be trusted.
Thanks a lot for help!

Aren't there any custom maps, which fully derestrict engine, update fuelling and still are tuned for 100% stock setup with cats? On Tuneecu site I found some tunes, but I'm not sure if any of these can be trusted...
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How did the timing adjustment work for you? Ive got a stock roadster with just an intake and would like a slightly richer tune as well