I'm all for this and happy to hear Canada is a leader in this type of enforcement!
My experience investigating collisions and copious human factors studies has proven to me that cell phones should be totally disabled whenever inside a vehicle!
Hands on or not, cell phone use is as bad as drunk driving. Vehicles should be forced to include devices that prohibit any cell use by anyone inside.
I'm all for this and happy to hear Canada is a leader in this type of enforcement!
My experience investigating collisions and copious human factors studies has proven to me that cell phones should be totally disabled whenever inside a vehicle!
Hands on or not, cell phone use is as bad as drunk driving. Vehicles should be forced to include devices that prohibit any cell use by anyone inside.
If it goes for civilians, then it should be a law for LEOs too. They're always on a radio, phone, or computer while driving. A Louisiana state trooper drifted halfway into a friend of mine's lane, because he was playing on his computer.
If it goes for civilians, then it should be a law for LEOs too. They're always on a radio, phone, or computer while driving. A Louisiana state trooper drifted halfway into a friend of mine's lane, because he was playing on his computer.
Totally agree regarding cell use.
Radio use is pretty much a necessity for LEO.
They do not have very many incidents and when they do, their pockets are deep.