Wanted dead or alive...

I'll reserve my comment on the video content.. This was a bad situation all the way around. PASS NO TEXTING AND HANDS FREE CALLING ONLY NATIONALLY AND THEN ENFORCE IT WITH SUBSTANTIAL FINES,AND SUBSEQUENT REVOCATION OF OPERATORS LICENSE FOR REPEAT OFFENDERS. Put pain in the laws, and quit looking the other way peace officers. Put the donut down and pull them over.
Legal position aside, When you reach out and invite an altercation, like hitting someone’s mirror or using a “git back” you invite idiocy.

Doesn’t make the disproportionate response right or acceptable but had the rider been a touch more conservative and instead passed through the giant gap offered and gone about his business this wouldn’t have happened.

If you create conditions for something bad to happen to you intentionally, I believe you’re completely culpabile for whatever ensues.

Personal responsibility and all. By the same concept I believe any motorcycle accidents, with the exception of getting rear ended or T-boned, or some idiot crossing the yellow line into your lane is always partially the riders fault. Legally it may be 100% the others fault but ultimately the rider could have taken actions to avoid or prevent almost every accident I’ve ever seen or heard of.

Got merged into? Should have anticipated. Left turn in front of you (the single most common accident)? Should have anticipated.
Rear ended a car? Should have anticipated.
In Ontario first offence carries $490 fine and 3 points for distracted driving. This includes texting, scrolling through contacts on a hands free device, programming a gps while on the move and even touching a cellphone while driving and more. There was a case where a woman had her cell phone on the passenger seat and she braked hard for a red light. The phone fell on the floor and she picked it up and placed it back on the seat. A cop was at the light watching for distracted drivers and charged her. It went to court and she was found guilty! That's still not enough to stop it. I see it every day. The local cops set up a trap on an in town road one day and caught 170 drivers in a two mile stretch of road over a 6 hour period!!!!
Be careful, the idiots are out there......
MAYBE the guy on the bike SHOULDN"T have told the car he cleans his bike with PLEDGE

You may just have created a possible defense for the puke cage driver?
Twas the odiferous Pledge on the motorcycle that drove me to it, your honor!

I'm all for this and happy to hear Canada is a leader in this type of enforcement!
My experience investigating collisions and copious human factors studies has proven to me that cell phones should be totally disabled whenever inside a vehicle!
Hands on or not, cell phone use is as bad as drunk driving. Vehicles should be forced to include devices that prohibit any cell use by anyone inside.

Much as I agree with that statement everyone knows that can/will never happen. Lets not forget that the Wireless Industry is a powerful lobby and campaign contributor.