Want a New Jacket

I have a vest with gun pockets/mag pockets on both sides...helps me blend in with the pirates And holds a Glock .40 with ease. When wearing the Cortech I carry a .380 Sig in the right hand pocket
I reckon I could carry Moms .32 since she doesn't need it at the assisted living facility haha.
I've had leather jackets most of all my riding years, it wasn't till i bought the Rocket that i switched over. I picked up the Triumph Raptor 2 jacket and love it. Some of my leathers weigh 20 lbs.. it was liberating wearing this jacket. After 911 i up graded my arsonel to a S&W 686 3" 7 round revolver and bought a Diamond D holster. Give Dave a call he's a great guy to do business with.
http://www.diamonddcustomleather.com/Photo_Gallery.php If you want something smaller to carry check out the Kahr PM9 one of my favorites.
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I always (jokingly) said 9mms were for those who squat to pee. But a friend of a friend had a single stack sub 9 for a deal with accessories. Now its my main carry. Be spittin Hornaday +Ps.
I own a Darien Jacket from Aerostich, I've had it since 2009, been through one crash with it, and it's excellent. Plenty of pockets for ccw.
I always (jokingly) said 9mms were for those who squat to pee. But a friend of a friend had a single stack sub 9 for a deal with accessories. Now its my main carry. Be spittin Hornaday +Ps.
Yeah guys at the gun club say that about the .380 acp i have,they say it will bounce of a Carhartt Jacket. No one has stepped up to the plate to prove it though...
I have a vest with gun pockets/mag pockets on both sides...helps me blend in with the pirates And holds a Glock .40 with ease. When wearing the Cortech I carry a .380 Sig in the right hand pocket

Damm, Tex, great minds or what?
Mine is a Glock 26 and then Kel Tec 380 or 22 mag derringer in the Cortech pocket.

I reckon handsome stud you were in that Triumph jacket!!!
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am looking for a 2XL textile, well vented jacket, with armour and a left side gun pocket ( inside ).

Can't say I had that problem when I was looking for my last jacket!
Damm, Tex, great minds or what?
Mine is a Glock 26 and then Kel Tec 380 or 22 mag derringer in the Cortech pocket.

Glock 23 and the sig fits my hand better. I have tried the Keltec .380 and 9mm but neither is a comfortable carry piece for me. I do like the belt clip idea though