Wallmart Aux lights


.020 Over
Oct 6, 2009
Just picked up my Wallmart aux lights. Not being the most techi person out there. I was wondering any suggestions where to ground them? I have 2 short black wires but the only point I can see is on the tank under the bearclaw. Is this suitable for ground?
You can ground them to just about any bolt in the engine bay as long as it's a metal to metal connection.

When I wired mine, I rant the ground back through the engine bay and under the seat since I had to run the power wire back there anyway. Plus it keeps it out of the weather.

I suggest that you don't run the power to the headlamp circuit because you'll blow fuses like they're going out of style. I suggest running the power either to a relay off of the ignition, or straight to the battery with a hidden switch (hidden because jackasses like to turn your lights on when you're parked).

I have my switch mounted to the top of the left sidecover... hidden by the seat overhang.... It's under my left butt cheek and out of the weather because it's tucked under the edge of the seat pan.

What ever you decide, have fun...
I grounded mine on the front-most bolt that holds the plastic covers on in front of the tank on the frame. I cut the front of the ring off the black wire and held it under the plastic cover up next to the bolt as I tightened it. Works great.

Power lead was run to the switch mounted into the right side plastic cover just in front of the tank. It's a simple reach to the switch. Power was run direct back to the battery. I would consider running power through a relay and hooking it to the parking light or low beam circuit but having gotten my 'roundtoit yet.
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