Waiting for my Ricket

I am praying it comes in the next couple days it is supposed to be 50 Wednesday I have ridden the Road King in 21 degrees and it was way to cold you couldnt stop or it would take longer to get home, LOL.

I am looking so forward to it though. I will post pics when it does come in.

Papers and magazines are everywhere especially when they find out I am an Actual Ordained Pastor of a Christian Church no less. I have been in magazines all over the world from Germany to Japan and several in the US and around Europe, it is fun at first but gets kind of old. I used to go to tattoo conventions and taught a seminar called Tattoo Truth Revealed that taught what the Bible really says about tattoos. I originally started this whole look thing to show people you dont have a certain mold to look like to be a Christian. As God looks at the heart not the outside, oops almost started Preaching there sorry folks.

No problem Freak!
This site contains some of the most even tempered folks I've experienced on any site. Why? Because we stay on topic (Rocket shiite) and keep Politics and Religion as a side bar. Nevertheless I would be interested sometime if you would post on the "FINAL DRIVE" forum, "what the Bible really says about Tattoos". I'm sure we'll agree to disagree but I've never heard anyone defend Tattoos in the context of "the Good Book".
I have posted in Final Drive Forum a small portion of the things I used to teach. It sint complete my notes got erased when my computer crashed but when I get them back together I can post them if anyone is interested.
