voltage regulator, stator & Co


Mar 6, 2012
Hi for all :) and excuse me if I don't write fine, my knowledge isn't so correct.. my bike stopped, I checked fuses and then replaced the "old" battery: only started pushing it .. the day after you downloaded the new battery also, I had done a few kilometers .. the voltage regulator had gone, in fact, the new battery was very swollen .. spend a few days, it sets in motion and discharged the battery again .. this time it's the stator .. will have to remove the motor and I wanted to ask if you know give me an idea of the cost for labor of the mechanical workshop..
I hope someone answer me, bye bye
The R3 is not known for charging system issues, but it can happen.
A swollen batter usually indicates excessive charging voltage - Regulator/Rectifier failure. This can easily lead to over-heating of the stator and its failure.

The Regulator/Rectifier is on the left side, under the side cover (bottom, at very rear of cover).
If the stator is bad, the engine has to come out to replace it.
Check and CLEAN all connections at regulator/rectifier - in and out.

Diagnostic chart: (You will need a volt meter)

I hope this helps.