Coner ,this is the best thing you can do to your stock headers and Tors and still remaining the "stock" appearance (important in our Nanny state registration inspections,the sound and performance once fitted is well worth doing, I loved the sound on my Touring with the under bike stock cross over abomination removed and the free flow pipe installed
Coner ,this is the best thing you can do to your stock headers and Tors and still remaining the "stock" appearance (important in our Nanny state registration inspections,the sound and performance once fitted is well worth doing, I loved the sound on my Touring with the under bike stock cross over abomination removed and the free flow pipe installed
Thanks cusso! I just bought the bike on Tuesday, it came with the TORS. I like the sound of it but I just need it a bit louder! I feel the ecu will need tuned as it was guzzling the juice at 80mpg riding back from Houston, but my local triumph dealership quoted me $55 to do it good excuse to get the cross over!
If you watch the chap on youtube tuning a R3R he adds each part in sequence and shows the dyno. At the end he adds the Y pipe and gets around another 10 HP
Holy cow, 10hp with just the Y-pipe is impressive. When I put the Ram Air on after the TORS I gained about 11 HP, have not retuned since Y-Pipe but now I may think about another dyno run to dial it in with the Y-Pipe, the seat o' pants dyno told me I made power lower so now I will have to see how much.