Visiting Oz for Xmas holidays.

Don't think I have the balls to ride in the big cities.

I have seen oz dashcams on YouTube your mad the lot of you.

Most Oz cities are gridlocked it is quicker to walk or lane split.

Melbourne, just jump a tram to Elizabeth street & wander around about a zillion bike shops.
Well went down to Victor Harbour yesterday and meet the man in the tin shed Neville Lush and what a wonderful bloke he is thought I would be in and out in ten minutes but was about 1\2 an hour.

He had some nice new pistons for the rocket high performance type which I'm sure some of the power hungry blokes in this forum would love to have.

Even got to see the difference between standard Cam and a nice new lumpy type.

Off to Melbourne today and hopefully catch up with @Jason Jurgens on Saturday.