Visiting Brisbane etc in June-July

Mike, I think you've done a lot more traveling than I, so I am also a wee bit envious. Having the benefit of family living in Australia, we found an unbelievable price round-tripping from Boston.

Hope you're doing well.

Doing fine and I think you'll have a great visit. Having family there is a huge plus.
I catch the flight out of Boston on the 20th, lose a day in the air and arrive in Brisbane at 7:30 AM on the 22nd. Whohoo!

We're immediately jumping off to Cairns for a week, then will spend about a week in Noosa and vicinity, mostly on the water I think. We have almost nothing in concrete for the third week, July 6-12 before we get back on the plane on the 13th. Actually, nothing at all in concrete except the few flight details and some housing all rented. Lots of wiggle room all around.
I hope to see some theatre in Brisbane, and if lucky meet up with a couple captains!
Interesting take on the other side of the road thing, when I was 16 or 17 we visited England and rented a car, my mother couldn't adapt, but I think because I was brand new at driving, I wasn't really " used to" anything, it didn't bother me at all.I got to drive the car all around the country for 2 weeks, I was in heaven.
I imagine I'm like most here- riding is about the best focused activity I do- entirely perfect for an ADD addled brain; it truly is therapeutic.
The family we're visiting lives in Arana Hills, northwest of the city a little bit. It looks like an hour and a half from there to to Canungra.
Mt Glorious would be closer then
My Rocket is dead at the moment but got my spare yamaha if anyone wants to organise a meet up somewhere or something
Gear Box. Think maybe the circlip has come off and the dog teeth on the gears were banging their heads together, managed to stop it before I blew it up sadly mate of mine fixing it is only in town on a Sunday I don't work on british bikes only Jap bikes. Haven't done a motor or gear box for some 20 years either.

They all have metric nuts and bolts these days though!