Viking Saddlebags

Top of the line stuff for bikes. Just got my daily bag in. Clean simple and effective. Fit Form And Function. Enough room to carry cold weather gear on the ride home and still eat my peanut butter sandwiches UN-smashed. Life don" get no better.

Yes it does Sonny just have to add jelly to the sandwich
I removed the aged and basically shot factory saddlebags and replaced them with Viking bags. I used the OEM bag frames I just removed the chrome outside rails. The bags are side and bottom supported and rock solid. 2006 Classic.

Hi. Could you tell me what size those bags are please. Large or medium. I need to update and they look good.
I saw the pics and liked it so I ordered a pair of Viking bags for my Rocket from Motorcycle House Australia as my Triumph bags always has been sagging. They never looked good.
That turned out to be a bad choice. (Dealing with Motorcycle House Australia)
I paid with PayPal just in case that I needed my money back.
Once they got my money, they didn't want to know about me and nothing happened before I started a dispute via PayPal. Then I had them within a week so It took them 5 days short of 3 months to get them here and I'm sure that if I wouldn't have started the PayPal dispute then I would still not have them.
The bags seems to be of good quality. I didn't like the mounting kit that came with them so I used the old Triumph oem brackets.

Bags look GOOD! Sucks about the hassle though...
Glad to hear the positive comments about Viking bags. I have never owned any, but just ordered one of their top cases for my Trophy. Looking forward to its arrival.
An excellent idea to use the original Triumph mounts. When I bought the Vikings for my 07 Classic years ago I sold the entire kit and bought quick disconnect mounts.

And on the garage, it's just fine. I just told Doc in his British Trifecta thread that his garage was much too neat and clean.
Hey Mike- David Harvey here. Craig Henninger and Jim Hebert and I along with 3 Canadians are going to the Richwood WV gettogether June 11th and 12th. Are you coming east for it. Would be greta to see you again.
David. Give a call.
Hey Mike- David Harvey here. Craig Henninger and Jim Hebert and I along with 3 Canadians are going to the Richwood WV gettogether June 11th and 12th. Are you coming east for it. Would be greta to see you again.
David. Give a call.

I have reservations and plan to ride my old Rocket that my son now has in Bel Air, MD. I'll give you a call this week to see if we can meet up somewhere along the way.

I'm just hoping it will be in good running condition. He hasn't ridden it much in the last couple of years because of his crushing military duties/travel but dumped the gas and put in new a couple of months ago. He's getting a pretty significant shoulder operation shortly that will waylay him for about 6 months so he won't be able to do anything with it between now and my arrival in early June.