Vibration/noise 07 Rocket 3 classic


.020 Over
Mar 26, 2011
Atlanta, GA
I just bought this bike last week with 12,500 miles from the original owner. I noticed yesterday while riding on the freeway a very noticeable whining sound and vibration from the engine/tranny area. Mostly between the 50 to 60 mph range. Any thoughts of what this is?
First off, welcome to the site.
Next, has there been any obvious modifications done?
say a car tire on it, or the 3 K&N's?
The 3 K&N's will give a bit of noise that doesn't sound right.
Does it have a power commander on it?
we need more info.
Welcome to the site, you supply the info,
and we'll see if we can't help you figure out the problem.
pictures are nice and might actually help.
Ride safe,
Thanks I was glad to find this site.
The bike is stock except for the Triumph less restrictive exhaust he had the dealer install. Its a little louder than stock pipes I've heard. The bike does have a little backfire when I back off the throttle quickly.
Welcome to the site from Molino, FL and Afghanistan. Hopefully others will be able to help you...I ran my Rocket pretty much stock when I had it...but it sounds like (as far as the popping goes) that it may need to have the 12 minute tune done on it and possibly the dealer may want to see if the correct tune is loaded in it.

Hopefully help is on the way.


94 dtg Dubai
95 dtg Home for good!
If I remember correctly, Flip described a similar symptom when his transmission out put shaft bearing went bad. He said it sounded like a blender.
Welcome to the site.

Tranny whine is not so unusual. Vibration may or may not be normal. One person's vibration can be another's ecstasy.

12 minute tune goes like this: Without ever touching the throttle start up from dead cold (ambient temperature). Let 'er run until the fan comes on. Then clock for 12 minutes, still no throttle applied. After 12 minutes shut 'er down. Done.

Decel popping is a long time frequent issue. Maybe a check with the dealer for the correct tune will eliminate it, though not entirely likely. There is a no-pop decel tune applicable for the TuneBoy system and may be every bit compatible with the more recent TuneECU programmer.