Valve shim removal tool

Looks promising!!!
What are the dims of the cut out?
I found these on Amazon - likely the same dims?

I ordered up the second one just to see if . . .

EDIT; I found one at Baxters today. More to come . . .
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Where I live they have a world war 2 submarine called the Silversides you can tour. It is a highly decorated battle sub. It has four, 9 cylinder opposed piston diesel engines.
I used to work on these engines during a posting to a Mine hunter support base.
Napier Deltic - Wikipedia
Like all Pommy engines of the era if it wasnt leaking oil you had forgotten to put oil in.
2nd try
I contacted the aftermarket Yamaha tool seller
and asked if dimensions and the 2 crucial ones being distance between prongs and length of prong. Surprisiongly they are almost identicval so a single hole in the middle and maybe a tweak to the angle and they may work fine.

I got one for GBP15 offer (24% off) and when asking dimensions suggested he may be able to sell a few more if right size to modify.

He seems pretty keen to sell a few more.


Hi, Your measurements are about spot on; 25mm between the legs and 34-35mm from the tip to the base of each leg measured with a vernier caliper. Let me know how many you need and I’ll see what I can do on price. Many thanks, Paul

Give us feedback when you have tried it. Great thread y´all! TIA!
Give us feedback when you have tried it. Great thread y´all! TIA!

Well it arrived today - very professionally made and packaged with a copy of illustrated Yamaha workshop manual pages to use. - No not @Rocket Scientist 's plan below.

The Yamaha tool bend is the opposite.




Still worth playing around with and the legs seems corrrect length/width etc but I would not advise anyone else to buy one.

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1olbull's plan of claviger's version
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Mine are 4.5mm steel plate cut and bent to shape, but machined to just 1.9mm at tips( RS version 1.5 mm all the way)
56mm wide ( RS version 50mm, Claviger version 46mm)
35mm long 'legs' ( RS version 35mm, Claviger version 41.3mm)
17.5mm wide 'legs' at top reducing to 10mm at 'mooned' tips ( RS version 12.7mm , Claviger version 11.1mm)
13mm at center width 22mm wide at top of 'leg's( RS version 25.4mm, Claviger version 30.2mm) - note the Yamaha one is stepped so = wider top like RS and Claviver's versions with straight 'legs'.

Angle of bend is 60 degrees or close as my broken kid's protractor measures (RS version ?? , Claviger version 83 dgerees but there was some flex in their legs I think).

So I reckon heat and bend it over the other way, and then drill a hole in the center and it should work or pretty darn close with a couple of tweaks or mallet bashes as @Claviger measures it.

Below is the tool for sale by aftermarket maker on eBay posted above.
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Using the bracket I found at Menards I made another one following Claviger's plan. It wasn't necessarily hard to do with a hacksaw, drill press, file, and my sander but it was very time consuming. I matched up the angle by making a drawing using a downloaded image of a internet protractor. I added a small 1" radius on the tips and made a top reinforcing plate as RS did. I don't think it was required because of the overall strength of the original bracket. I sent it off to Joesmoe to try and will wait for a report. It can be easily tweak with a vise and file.

It seems the legs would be better bent like a drawing I threw in here but I don't know since I have not seen the inside under the cover. Oh well...


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Very nice work!
I was thinking a slight twist of the legs to match the bucket radius might be nice, but I am not keen to re-open the cover just to improve the design.

It seems the legs would be better bent like a drawing I threw in here but I don't know since I have not seen the inside under the cover. Oh well...

Great job - re lat comment - you are spot on as that matches the designed action of the factory Yamaha tool as well to better engage the bucket.

Interesting there is a separate radius on each arm that does not match the radius of one bucket . . .
So when are you going to tell us if this Yammie tool works on a Rocket?