Haven't made it yet, but I might try and make a few. I'll see how the cutting, drilling and bending goes. Success is being able to duplicate it so they are all the same. I may have to send one to the @Rocket Scientist for a yeah or nay as to whether it fits the bill.
Haven't made it yet, but I might try and make a few. I'll see how the cutting, drilling and bending goes. Success is being able to duplicate it so they are all the same. I may have to send one to the @Rocket Scientist for a yeah or nay as to whether it fits the bill.
Haven't made it yet, but I might try and make a few. I'll see how the cutting, drilling and bending goes. Success is being able to duplicate it so they are all the same. I may have to send one to the @Rocket Scientist for a yeah or nay as to whether it fits the bill.
Yesterday @Claviger Rob worked while I puked!
After we un-suck-essfully trying the one guy pushing on the ground screw driver and one guy on a pic/tweezers trying to remove the puck, we located some appropriate angle stock in my garage and Rob went at it and made the tool.
After my third puke session when I came back into the garage, Rob was doing the "Frog Dance" after he had removed the two pucks!!!
I just went out to the garage to get some pix of the tool, but couldn't find it.
Rob may have taken it with him . . . GREAT JOB, ROB!!! MUCH GRATITUDE!!!
I cut out the basic design out of a piece of stainless steel last night and I can tell you making any of those more than once "ain't gonna happen". I haven't bent the steel to any kind of an angle yet, but stainless is just to difficult to cut and work with.
I'm thinking of maybe using some 1/8 wall thickness X 1 1/2 " aluminum angle and working from there. Aluminum can be pretty strong even on that downward pressure. Perhaps with a steel strip across the top if needed. Perhaps the legs could be a little wider than 1/2" to add some additional strength. Would 5/8" wide still fit?
For those of you who have made or used the tool..any thoughts?