Valve cover seal

Mike Rocket

Rocket 3
Oct 27, 2017
East Anglia, England
2014 Rocket 3 Roadster
I hope this is not taken as a stupid question but I recently saw a Rocket 3 Roadster with the cam cover squeezing out orange gasket sealer (it looked like silicone sealer) but I couldn't see a gasket.
The front timing cover was also squeezing out the same sealer.
The question I ask is:
Is this a fix for the cam cover leak problems and or is it a waste of time? I did not see a leak at the time but it looked pretty ugly.
Has anybody on this forum done this with a good result?
I did the job of removing and replacing the cam cover gasket myself, with a TON of help from this forum. I have a wicked thread here somewhere as I went along... On phone, lemme see if I can find it. Big job, so prepare to settle in for the long haul if you're an amateur wrencher like me. But it was oddly fun, slowly working thru it all.

Re: getting it to seal properly, the magic seems to be to follow the early torque spec of 10 (nM or ft/lbs? Can't remember....) vs the 12 the later service manual says. I did that when installing mine, and it's been great so far.

Hang tight for the thread link...
I am not doing mine yet but am just curious about this one not having a gasket fitted but just sealer.
Does coating the gasket with silicone gasket maker help hold it in place?
My quick fix: The gasket started pushing out at the right front on mine at around 8,000 miles. I cut off the piece that stuck out and coated the area up with black silicone gasket maker, and nearly a year later, no leaks.
That is most likely what I would do.