Have a 2009 R3T, owned a 2000 Valk, was a lifelong Honda guy before the R3T caught my eye.
I bought the Valk in Ohio, hopped on it and ran it back to Mass. without a thought. It's a Honda, it will simply just run.
I don't have that confidence in the R3T, at least yet. No problems, but the spectre of reliability problems (or character building events if you prefer) is "out there."
For example, neutral sometimes takes a vacation and I'm always looking more closely at the R3T for signs of oil leak (none yet) than I would ever look at the Valk.
Some of this is "reputation" more than real data, but it still in my head.
I considered buying another Valk (I was coming off my 3rd VFR when I bought the R3T, but in the end I wanted FI and the Valk's are getting a little old since they stopped production in 2003.
I hope to learn to trust the R3T as much as I've trusted my Hondas.
I bet Triumph hopes so as well.
We'll see.
At this point in my life I'm lucky enough to realize that I can pretty much solve any on the road problem with a two-piece tool kit.
Cell phone + credit card = problem solved