Using Tuneecu and PCV/at


Aug 20, 2016
Florida via Liverpool.
Rocket Roadster
Current set up 2018 R3 Roadster / Ram air / DP outlaws/ PCV and AT. Thank to all of you Guys as I installed all this my self lol. Probably the bravest thing I’ve ever done!...could not have attempted this without you.

Now my question.
I want to now install a new tune via Tune ecu. This is a tune from a Dyno for the exact set up I have and is ‘a great tune done by a very renowned tuner. My question is once I’ve done this new map download via tune ecu what do I do with the PCV/AT?

Not being very technical I’m trying to avoid to have to remove / reverse the the PCV AT install.
Can I leave the PCV/ AT as it is now once I’ve downloaded the new tune via tune ecu?

If I can - What happens to the current map in the PCV ? I want the new map downloaded via tune ecu.
(I understand the two types of map are not compatible. ie can’t import tune ecu map into PCV)

In other words , can and how can I load the new map with tune ecu and leave all the stuff I did to install the PCV/ AT in place?

(What happens to the map currently in PCV wont this conflict with the new map downloaded with tune ecu?)

Note, I’m aware even though this super Dyno tune is for the exact set up I have , that all engines have their nuances.I thought this might be why leaving AT to fine tune might be good BUT what map do I use in the PCV once I’ve downloaded a new one via tune emu?

Hope this all makes sense. As said before I’m learning from you Guys...thanks!

Ps...have lap top only with W10 hope this is ok. Using lionec cable just bought.
Here's what I did: As above, zero out the trim and fuel maps on the PC5. Open up the Tune ECU map, then map edit, and then air/fuel map. Open PC5 and then target AFR map. Transpose the AFR values in the ECU air/fuel map to the PC5 AFR map. Ride around for a month or so, then open the PC5, then the trim map(s), review adjusted trim percents for abnormal high/low trim recommendations. Example: Your trim values show recommended adjustment of- 5,3,4,5,15,15,5,6... In my example you see a drastic increase of 15% at some RPM. Highlight the 15% columns and set them to 5% (match them to the columns above and below the high numbers). Once done, send trims to the fuel map in the PC5. Ride around some more and repeat process. Once you get to less than a couple of % adjustments, you will be where you need to be.
Load up the power Commander software, connect via usb cable to laptop. Save the tune to your PC.

Put 0s in all tables in the PC-V.

Ride on.

As @Claviger says, you could also try limiting the trims to say 5%. This will compensate for elevation, fuel quality, engine diffs etc that someone elses dyno tune wont resolve on your bike. I wouldn't remove the PCV AT myself.