The lower the load the lower you can run your pressure. Rule of thumb, for every 50 pounds of extra load, add 1psig. With the bike unladen (other than the 150 lb rider) set to the least pressure. If you are above that add 1 psig, at 50 lbs, add 2 psig, over 150 lbs add 3 psig. Tire pressure should be at max when your bike is fully laden. So at 180 lbs you should be 1 psig above lowest pressure and can carry 20 pounds of gear. more cargo than that add another pound. If you add only a 130 lb passenger add 3 psig. Tire load range is calculated on heat calculations of the contact patch. As you increase load the contact patch increases unless you further inflate the tire. So what you are doing is maintaining contact patch area as close to constant as possible under all load conditions. Grip (friction) is a coefficient of the contact patch size applied to tire compound. If you deflate a tire to 0 psig (flat) and try to push the bike you have a huge contact patch and mondo grip. Run it at 60 mph and the heat generated (friction) will disintegrate the tire.
So there a you have it.