Upset the Neighbours.......again

Office lady at work lives on a small farm out of town was 1200 acres but was split up when her father die she kept her 400 acres but her sisters sold off there blocks and split into 10 acres blocks to the Townie's.

Was chatting to her husband one night and he said that one of the new neighbors came over to the fence and said did you know your cows are mooing at night and woke me up.

Like WTF. asked him if he could keep them quite.

If it had been me I would have gone out to the fence line with the shot gun every night at 3 am for a week and fired a couple of rounds off. Reckon he would have called the police to complain that someone was fire a gun at night.
The amount of noise that goes on inside the flat haha I feel sorry for the guy who lives downstairs right underneath
I don't care and the ones opposite is a family of meerkat s even look like them ! They decorate every week .. And they sell everything on eBay I'm surprised they haven't sold the kids yet ! They have cameras everywhere because someone stole there little fire outside and Nathan made them worse by saying he heard noises mear cat manner Nathan calls it they have gone and put in a wood burner now he's obsessed with log delivery and chopping wood all evening till God knows what time We live right opposite the butchers chambers so every morning from 6 so loud so I always blast the music because they wake me up after my night shift think I'm used to it now after all these years
had a dog that could run like the wind throw a tennis ball in any direction hard as you could she would catch it before it bounces kids called cops on me said i was trying to run over my dog with my 72 bonne, I was chasing around the yard one day cops pulled up and was watching for a while before we noticed they were there asked what was going on told them it was a game we played,they didnt beleive me till i got on started the bike looked at phaedra asked if she was ready yelled go she took off me right behind her that dog could turn like a rabbit couple times round the yard stopped told cop see its a game we play he said good luck and left most times that dog ended up chasing me

Bugger that!! You guys will have to pack your gear and move to Kiwiland!!
Oh yes... every time I start the bike up or pull into the garage. The missus gives me a right ear full. You and the effing bike, it makes the whole house vibrate. Back wall of the garage is our bedroom wall. 12 minute tune is now forbidden!

If I could make the whole house vibrate... I think the miss’s would never let me turn the bike off.. just say’
I like to start mine and give a good 5 mins revving every now and then just to remind them what lurks next door , also being an former dog trainer i fully understand the rewards of training by exposure , ie: if they hear it often enough it becomes like a ticking clock that no one hears in the background..........unless it's 4 am hahah