Update On My PDM60 Install Disaster & The New Amplink Install R3T

It must be a mess inside that intelligent head of yours!?!
Fortunately, I am not so burdened.
It must be a mess inside that intelligent head of yours!?!
Mess is being polite. I could disappear into my workshop for weeks and not finish. Lets's see. SOLID STATE HEADLIGHT RELAYS, REAR LIGHT CLUSTER, IBUTTON, ALTERNATIVE INSTRUMENTS, etc etc. All on a severely restricted time budget - Plus a "pass MoT" thing which means putting EVERYTHING back original to pass - then putting all the good stuff back on. This last one only every 2 years thank God.

Though tbh this "tuning" lark is far more time consuming than most projects - Now if I had a DYNO at home it would have been done ages ago.
The run yesterday raised a massive number of questions. Plus plucking up the courage to question Rob's conclusions.

It looks like you did a good job on that pattern. I hope it fit as expected.

I hear you on the stainless steel. I wrecked a perfectly good band saw blade making my one and only stainless valve shim tool. Strictly a fine tooth hacksaw blade in the future, but I'll stick with aluminum for most of the things I need to make. I have a place in town that has droppings and cutoffs they save and make available for sale. Very handy access.
I have a place in town that has droppings and cutoffs they save and make available for sale. Very handy access.
Very - I used to go to a place like that in the UK - added bonus being it was sold at "to be recicled" prices. I still have some 5/16" Stanless plates from there. Place in teh village that has steel offcuts - but no ali or brass
It looks like you did a good job on that pattern. I hope it fit as expected.
Well - this is why one USUALLY measures before cutting. The area twixt battery and rear mudguard is VERY different on an R3 standard (and I suspect Roadster). I'll try and take a photo but this will require a new pattern. Will need to sit higher. And different retention.

I couldn't speak for the other model when I made mine and posted it...only the R3T. I guess it will be your turn to do a design and pattern for the other less fortunate members.
Meh, a zip tie or two around the frame or some such and job's done, no need for these fancy pants fabbed up brackets. The PDM60 weighs nothing.
Meh, a zip tie or two around the frame or some such and job's done, no need for these fancy pants fabbed up brackets. The PDM60 weighs nothing.

Oh come on!...How can you just do that? I could not live with that...it's not in my nature. Then again, some people just don't have the talent or imagination to create the vision they see in their minds eye.

If a job is once begun.. never finish till it's done, be the job big or small.. do it well or not at all!
Well - I have knocked up a normal R3 plate - simpler. Photos soon. Also found out that the cracked PDM60 has been damaged internally - Only the ground trigger works now. Very odd. But there it is.