I thought I would update everyone on how my friend Wout is doing on his recovery. He is slowly getting the use of his right hand back with ongoing therapy. His memory and speech continue to improve. Hopefully they will be able to get his 2 front teeth replaced soon. [Even with a full face helmet, his upper palate was broken and his two front teeth knocked out.]
Wout and Amy were able to go to Myrtle Beach for a few days last week for a family vacation. Amy sent these pictures.
Glad to hear about his improvement. I can only imagine how hard it is..
I didn't have it as bad as he did, but I had similar broken jaw/palate problems from a car wreck a long time ago. Still have 4 wires in my face holding it all together.
I was just getting ready to ask how he was doing. I figured no new was good news and that seems to be the case. What a wonderful sight to see his picture now. Give him our best.