Update...broke down yet again

I'm getting this pair when I check. P16A2 and P1640

i tried to find triumph code meanings to verify the codes but could not find.
the p16A2 on cars/trucks is a tps throttle position sensor code
now going on cars/truck the system is complicated u have a complicated tps on handle bar then you have another throttle motor with another tps and the ecu cross references the information and if it doesn't match it will shut down the system.
now there are a lot of if's in here and i was wondering when this was going to show it's face and if there was going to be anyone that could diagnose this problem and fix it.
you could research the new manual for info on the codes.
i would start a new thread on this problem and codes.
Thanks, I can't find any codes that match. The OBDLink MX+ software shows P16A2 as IMU problem and P1640 as Rollover detection disabled due to IMU.
I see a few guys stating they have no miles on bike, under warranty, dealer can't fix. Is the "lemon law" a US only law? Maybe force dealer to buy back. I think this is a basic electrical issue. Pinched wire or faulty alternator or starter. something big that draws battery down but doesn't burn any wiring. Good luck you seem like a patient guy getting near the end of his rope. Man I feel for you.. I can't sleep when lawnmower or car has an odd bug.

short story. neighbors lawnmower wouldn't start. I get summoned. I can tell jet is clogged. I blow out the carb and put it together. It starts and revs to full throttle and it doesn't hunt. FIXED...... I get a call hey it stalls when I turn the mower deck on. which uses main jet unlike unloaded rev.. mmmmmmm It does and it smells of gas. I request some time to think about it. 1 week 2 weeks. his gras is a foot tall. At 3am I situp from a sound sleep and say"main jets". I go over and turn it on and smell as soon as the mower deck goes on it doesnt stall it floods. can smell the fuel.
I pull carb and look. no main jets. When I blew it out, the jets held in by orings not threads they blew across the yard. I bought him some new jets at 30 bucks and it was fine.

Morale of story. Equipment problems are always in the back of our mind processing. good job keeping us posted. Hope this gets resolved soon bud.
It's been 1 week since I got bike back from dealer. They stated the issue was the battery. Only charged for 1 hour's labour so I'm guessing they didn't really look any further than the rear of the bike. Regulator/rectifier, stator, frayed wiring etc could have caused the battery issue but I'll never know. I've put 200ks on it and so far no problems, electrically speaking. However, now when starting from cold it just cranks but won't start no matter how long the starter button is pressed. If I stop, then try again it starts immediately. According to dealer, it had a software update when the new battery was installed and this non-starting glitch is normal. When the bike is warm it starts straight away. It's only when starting the next day this software issue arises. "TRIPLESPEED" started a thread stating the same troubles as me. Soon as he got a software update his bike wouldn't start first time either....
Just yet another annoying problem. I'm looking at trading/selling for something else as soon as I can. The bike itself runs great and it has done for 7800kms. Maybe the new owner who might be mechanically minded will have better luck.
Is the new battery a LI-ION by any chance?
Dynavolt Gel
the reason i ask is i have learned through personal experience that Li-Ion batteries and some if the newer technology batteries need to warm up before being able to get all their cranking amps going like even turning on a turn signal or so before starting wondering if maybe you try that and like turn the bike on for a few seconds before you hit the ignition on the first start of the day