Unusual presents

My wife was not very happy when I got her a nice 3/4" socket set one Xmas, she had the same look on her face the following Xmas when I got her a chainsaw some people are just hard to please

Hahahahaha, I got my wife an ultralight fishing pole for a wedding present, she caught an 11 inch native trout in the Smokies on our honeymoon, but she never used it again, but we still have it.
Making you hand split elm? What a sadist!
I'm really glad you picked up on that , Its got to be one of the hardest logs to split on account of its stringyness ! To be fair to my old man tho , I was racing schoolboy motocross thru those years and if I didn't split and stack the logs , I didn't go racing . I'm sure he must have researched for the hardest logs to work , coz at 13 years old , I was bloody strong !
I once gave my wife an iron. Yes, it was on her wish list.
She was trying hard to hide her disappointment and it took her 2 weeks before she opened the box and found the diamond ring attached to the iron.
I once gave my wife an iron. Yes, it was on her wish list.
She was trying hard to hide her disappointment and it took her 2 weeks before she opened the box and found the diamond ring attached to the iron.

Lucky it wasn't a vacuum cleaner

Black locust