Funny thing happened on the ride to work this morning. You know how we always try to expect the unexpected? I try anyway.
Well, as I was approaching the freeway, I noticed my phone going off in my pocket. It was my alarm reminding me to go to work. Since I was taking the long route, I didn't want it buzzing the next 40 minutes, so I pulled onto the shoulder.
It has rained during the night and the roads are wet. As I came to a stop and put my feet down, I noticed there was a layer of mud under my right boot, darn it. I shut off the alarm and put the phone away.
Traffic is busy but I'm on the big bike. So, with much gusto, I rolled the throttle on with reckless abandonment. Braham's back tire took off in a direction I was not expecting, and the engine revved like I was in neutral.
I initially thought my clutch had gone out, but then I remembered the mud. I had to abort the launch to maintain control.
Braham straightened up, I found a less muddy spot and relaunched safely back into traffic.
One of the hazards of riding a single bike (remember I have three daily rides) for many days in a row is that I get accustomed to a certain level of power. Rex (the Roadking) has been the primary ride at least 4 days out of each week. (I am building miles to wear out the tires before a big trip in May which should also coincide with the 15K mile checkup). In doing so, I forgot just how much more powerful the old Triumph is and it surprised me in the dark today. But happily, I often practice surprise emergencies in my head and was ready without really thinking about what to do, I just did what was needed to avoid dumping that heavy machine.
Ride safe and often folks!