University research into increasing motorcycle safety

Cell phones, at least IPhones, can be set to decline texts and calls automatically with an "I am presently driving" message. One must simply know how to turn the feature on and have the presence of mind to actually use it.
Which is more stuffin around than simply ignoring it or putting it in your pocket where you cannot hear it. It always amazes me why people are so desperate to answer every phone call. If some one really needs you they can ring back or send a text. If an emergency they can ring 000 or whatever.

My oldies in their late 80's struggle to get to every phone that rings (and they do not use mobiles), despite at least 40% of them being sales, scams or charity callers. They have a message recorder they can wait to hear someone leave a message, which 99% of callers do not do because the call is of no significance etc. But the oldies never do wait to hear if the person leaving the message is someone they want to talk to and pick up or have done so well before they start talking. They then laboriously and politely explain to the 1000th charity caller that they donate to a number of regular charities (about $2000 or more a year of their pension) and do not wish to donate more.

This occurs mid sentence, mid meal, mid program whatever!

I never answer the phone in this house because it is never for me, as I use a mobile. If I did I would have to write messages that get lost, unseen, misinterpreted, or complaints for lack of detail. My old man has had so many volunteer organisation roles that he got 15 calls a day easy, now down to 4-5. If someone has something important to say they can leave a message, ring back or just tell someone who cares.

Can you tell my preferred habitation is a hermit's cave.
A ringing phone is a request not a demand. One evening the wife and I were into it and the phone started ringing. She looked at it and said, “it’s my mother”. I told her she could answer it if she wanted to but I was not stopping.
It always amazes me why people are so desperate to answer every phone call.
It always amazes me why people are so desperate to answer ANY phone call. Or the doorbell.

I think my inbuilt "Grey Matter" computer is starting to fail. PAUSE seems not to work any more. All interrupts result in LOSS OF DATA. Paperless Office - HA!.
When you swing your leg over your bike and ride away its a bit like walking a tightrope instead of walking a footpath.....balance, awareness, power, heartbeat,hearing, eyes,ears,feel,movement...they all become aware and dont be dulling anything with alcohol or drugs otherwise all these things slow down...its common sense expecting "Them" to do dumb stuff cos they will!!...."Them" being all others out there...animals and birds included. Who knows why people in vehicles suddenly become unaware of a motorcycle beside them or whatever but we all know it's very real! Stay switched on to it and be safe.
Prime example. Right now one of the main highways in Tulsa is backed up due to another motorcycle accident. Motorcyclist was tailgating a pickup and trailer combo and one of the trailer tires blew out. Motorcyclist hit the brakes lost control and hit the concrete divider. Estimated speed of motorcycle was 80 miles per hour in rush hour traffic. Another parts donation is on the way. No we are not talking about the motorcycle but the rider.
As in SHOOT THEM?. Vote me in as President and it will happen!.

Phones/ texting is a huge problem. It's already been determined that distracted driving is the same as DUI/ OUI. We need to block all cell phone/ text use in vehicles, period. People don't give a rats arse about hands free laws. We have a no text and drive law in Massachusetts but I still see people on a daily basis texting, weaving all over the road, etc. etc. I honestly don't understand what is so GD important you need to be on your phone texting or talking. My phone goes right into the console as soon as I get in the car.

As previously posted, ride like everyone is trying to kill you!
Hard to enforce those laws when the police always seem to be texting, talking, or playing on a laptop while they are driving.
Skipped reading all of it but:

As much as people mock the saying “Loud pipes saves lives”, about 15 minutes ago my loud pipe just saved me from a lane change.

Driver started moving over, never checked his mirror, but heard me coming up next to him and swerved back in his lane. Window was down.

They do, specially when you are passing in a hurry of darting out of a danger spot.