University research into increasing motorcycle safety

I’d like somebody to sweep the gravel off the roads around here that would make things quite a bit safer.

Other things to help.
1. Re-test all drivers at age 70
2. Make cellphones inoperable at speeds over 10 mph.
3. Stop test and arrest all drivers that look stoned out. You’ve seen them they are visible.
These three things would help quite a bit.
but there wouldn't be an "I didn't see him" excuse.
There always will be.

A study done by the Spanish Guardia Civil shows that at certain times of day - many, many people are driving (and from my personal observation - riding) on "auto pilot". Especially at commuting times and more so in summer. 20-30 years ago there was not the traffic and you got away with it.

Whilst some may baulk, throw hands in air and wail - I fully believe you should not be allowed out on today's roads without having PASSED a test showing you can actually manage a vehicle. ANY F*CKING VEHICLE. And whilst it would annoy me if it applied to me - the idea that you are restricted as to less power etc for a year or two is no bad thing. Most of us started at these power levels anyway.

I also firmly believe that you should NOT be allowed to drive a car etc until you have passed a M/C test. (disabilities excepting). But this would be (I think) unacceptable for most. I have other borderline views on the matter too.

tbh - in 10 years or so it may not matter. Unless the issue of fuel density is resolved - electric bikes will be restrained in terms of range and as fossil fuels run out we'll all be driving Teslas. The Hyundai fuel cell would be a great bike solution.
I'm very interested to see the outcome here. Antilock brakes, traction control, throttle mapping, modern suspension and tires, etc. have all contributed to my tender butt having never touched the ground. I'd like to attribute this to skill, but that'd be a lie. We all get in over our heads from time to time...playing that line is a major part of the fun for many of us. I'm a big fan of techno-safety-wizzies, and a big money incentive for industry could result in some great safety advancements.

I'll also add ATGAT! This clever study reinforces that philosophy: Safety gear has come a LOONG way. In the 80s and 90s an 80 mph crash was almost a guaranteed death, or you'd wish you were dead because of the road rash treatment. Now I hear about people walking away from high-speed crashes...
Lately I have been riding into the sun on the way home and that presents its own challenges.

That IS a challenge, I agree, but after having a driver almost turn left across my path because the sun was in her eyes (I could see her straining to see) I now realize that I prefer to have the sun in my eyes. I'd rather be the one challenged.

Cell phones, at least IPhones, can be set to decline texts and calls automatically with an "I am presently driving" message. One must simply know how to turn the feature on and have the presence of mind to actually use it.
Interesting article. Transurban operate Toll Roads, that's how they derive revenue. In fact 13 Toll Roads in Australia and 2 in the US (Washington DC). Good to see they are throwing some dosh ($400k) at the issue (Biker accidents 10% resulting in deaths at their work sites on their toll road in the US). Hope the findings are beneficial for all motorcyclist not just another corporate trying to save themselves from potential (& expensive) litigation. Why have they not done this in Australia? Just call me
a crusty old cynic!!
I think that the protective garment industry is doing a fine job. In all sports. Even the hard core HD bare scull riders are wearing full face. Materials are lighter and stronger at most price points. You get what you pay for.

Yeah!! The texters Educate the texting addicts instead of chasing the rest of us going >10 mph over the speed limit.
