And 1 - its threatening to rain today and tomorrow, which sux as we have a Brothel run tomorrow! But other than that we have been in the mid 70's

I assume this is some kind of poker run. There was a brothel among the stops on a poker run at Run-A-Mucca Rally in Winnemucca, NV a couple years back.
Aas you could imagine, the stops there really bottlenecked the run. It was great fun!
Can't even imagine how wonderful a poker run with ALL the stops being brothels would be.
NEVER would happen today; but, years ago a five card hand being five stops would = well, let's just say money would be the only limiting factor.
It is a brothel run. In every sense of the word. All of the stops are at brothels and ends at a BBQ and band. Just that $1 bills don't work anymore!
To be a party pooper and get back to Communications I would like to know how you like the Sena unit as I have been thinking of getting one for RAA9.

I been looking at the to bull do a write your long winded that way we know if there good or not
There is a new firmware for the SMH10. version 5.0 FYI.
There is a full review on the Sena SMH10 on webbikeworld.com Adam.
There is a new firmware for the SMH10. version 5.0 FYI.
There is a full review on the Sena SMH10 on webbikeworld.com Adam.

Since I have one ordered and en route, I assume this is firmware can be upgraded by me after I have receive it. I hope . . .
Since I have one ordered and en route, I assume this is firmware can be upgraded by me after I have receive it. I hope . . .
That is one of the selling points of the Sena line. They make them, even older models, to be able to upgrade the firmware to keep them up to snuff.
I don
I been looking at the to bull do a write your long winded that way we know if there good or not

Don't know about the Sena or Uclear, but have had two less than favorable experiences with Scala. I've tried two units in both open and enclosed helmets. I never could get either to perform well enough without having to stop.
The last one I tried was a Shark. It was cheap, what can I say. But this uClear is vastly superior. The noise cancelling is impressive if not perfect. And the blu tooth is the way to go. I'm not saying this is the best you can get, but I am happy with it so far.