MD put a bill in this legislative session (Mid-Feb), but got an unfavorable review from Environment and Transportation so I don't see it going anywhere if it isn't already dead.
If you have been sitting in a cue of traffic in your car, waiting for it to move, and a bike goes past side, it can fair startle you sometimes!...i think this is what pisses car drivers off.....maybe if its done slowly it might be more acceptable..?
The law in Cali is accompanied by a maximum speed at which lanes can be split. I've never seen anyone split lanes while staying below that limit.
Definitely a great option for those that value getting through traffic over their own well being. Like everything else the dangerous part of the transaction is the other drivers.
Still not legal to ride shoulders in Cali... must be different in Canada. (Far as I know, but my info is half a decade old at this point)
The law in Cali is accompanied by a maximum speed at which lanes can be split. I've never seen anyone split lanes while staying below that limit.
Definitely a great option for those that value getting through traffic over their own well being. Like everything else the dangerous part of the transaction is the other drivers.
Still not legal to ride shoulders in Cali... must be different in Canada. (Far as I know, but my info is half a decade old at this point)
One time I had to get somewhere -- national security and all that -- there was a wreck, and I had to get there -- took off on the shoulder -- and several folks opened their doors, I suppose in protest.
I guess I do the split on occasion when I think no one will be looking. I have been pulled over once, and given a warning for violating Virginia's anti-lane-sharing law.
One time I had to get somewhere -- national security and all that -- there was a wreck, and I had to get there -- took off on the shoulder -- and several folks opened their doors, I suppose in protest.
I guess I do the split on occasion when I think no one will be looking. I have been pulled over once, and given a warning for violating Virginia's anti-lane-sharing law.
Here most drivers (well except BMW drivers - but that's just par for the course) will even pull to one side to make it easier for bikes. Mercedes drivers can be an issue - depends if they are wearing a hat or not.
Some UK truck drivers seem to be a bit anal about it though.
last line on the first post ---
About time lane splitting picked up some steam the sooner we get all 50 states on board the better, also educate the car drivers.
Not only educate the car drivers but the motorbike riders also I have seen plenty of wankers on a motorbike as well as car drivers. Long story short if done correctly lane splitting is a safe maneuver for motorbikes but education or lack off is the hurdle.
I remember an article when I lived in Las Vegas about a counsel women who killed a similar bill in committee for Nevada based on her fear of "What if my 11 year has his arm out the window and a motorcycle comes by and takes it off." For those of us who are parents, I'm sure we are all thinking the same thing! WTF!! I did have one of my student in my Basic Rider Course really against it because in her view it 'slowed' her down. That is until I explained how not only does it not slow her down, but for every motorcycle no longer in front of her that's one more car space closer to her destination she is. Win-Win! It comes down to education and honestly, jealously. Many folks don't like it when someone else has a real or perceived advantage. Welcome to LIFE! where you can "Choose" how you get somewhere... Heh!