Turn signals/horn/brake light fuse issue


Standard Bore
Apr 17, 2016
Triumph R 3 Rocket
Hi y'all,

New Rocket owner here. Just picked up an '09 with less than 3K miles on it this weekend. It was missing the left front turn signal bulb and glass; dealer has one on order and will be fixing that. As I left the dealership, my wife following in the car, the first time I used the turn signal it worked, but after than, nada. On the way home neither signal worked, nor did the horn or break light(brake light itself is on, just doesn't brighten when brakes applied). Easily determined that it's a single fuse that works all of them, but as soon as I replaced the fuse and used either turn signal, the fuse blew immediately. Replaced the fuse; horn...no problem, brake...no problem, turn signal...poof. So for the ride Sunday I just made sure I didn't use the turn signals and fuse was fine. Took it to the dealership yesterday and of course it's not covered under their 30-day warranty. However I did purchase a 2-year "everything" warranty, and will use it to deal with the problem if its something not easily fixed. Is it possible the turn signals are blowing the fuse because of the missing bulb, or is there something deeper going on?
Sounds like a wire grounding out, check all visible wires the ones under the rear fender are easy to get at just simple clips hold them in place, they join the front ones behind the side cover get yourself a volt/test meter and check the wiring if nothing is visible.
Look to see if it has the eastern beaver bypass done. If not @DEcosse sells one or look up eastern beaver headlight bypass for the R3 :D
Don't worry too much over the headlight relay kit - Roadster already bypasses the KeySwitch
See similar recent thread (hard to search while creating post on phone but think it was scott83) - problem was the turn signal socket; have now seen multiple instances of this where the centre pin shorts to the body of the cup
Did you notice whether left or right blew the fuse? (Not to say it couldn't be both sides if wrong bulb type was used)
Unplug each corner and see which is the offending unit
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