RockOn please do not take this as a personal attack on yourself, like you I have been riding a long time and touch wood without an accident close a few times but accident free, nearly if not all modern cars have ABS as standard and as the laws /requirements change so will motorcycles and for the better for as we all know that extra few feet or yards could be the difference between life and death.
The problem is going to be getting riders used to the ABS
under normal everyday riding your ABS should never be activated in fact the only time my bike has used the ABS is when I practice my braking stops(I have five bikes only one with ABS)
I waited to reply so others could chip in and as we all see it comes down to ABS being an extra safety feature which is always good, but please everyone you have to practice braking and trust the ABS when it starts to do its job(keep the pressure on) I try my hardest to instill this into the students I teach from the BRC all the way to the ARC and all courses in-between.
The easiest thing you can do on a motorcycle is go fast in a straight line so if you go fast in a straight line learn to stop fast at the same speeds.