Turn signals and Trans clunk

@RockOn Amigo,
I hope you are not stating ABS would not help you?
FYI - ABS actually does not improve stop distance on gravel. The material build up in front of tires from constant sliding helps stop better.
Under the best conditions, very skilled riders can generate higher coefficients of friction (COF), but in the real world testing has shown riders generate COF far below that of cages. ABS improves COF and improves overall safety . . . period.

I use the turn signal just like normal except if I forget to turn it off the cancelation unit cuts them off. Once the unit cuts it off ....at the next turn I realize that I have left the signal on.... then I have to move the switch back to the center... then I can now use the switch again in normal fashion.

Think I understand what they are saying... they are just saying what one has to do after the turn signal has been left on past the number of flashes.

There isn't anything out of the ordinary... it all stays the same.

RockOn please do not take this as a personal attack on yourself, like you I have been riding a long time and touch wood without an accident close a few times but accident free, nearly if not all modern cars have ABS as standard and as the laws /requirements change so will motorcycles and for the better for as we all know that extra few feet or yards could be the difference between life and death.
The problem is going to be getting riders used to the ABS under normal everyday riding your ABS should never be activated in fact the only time my bike has used the ABS is when I practice my braking stops(I have five bikes only one with ABS)

I waited to reply so others could chip in and as we all see it comes down to ABS being an extra safety feature which is always good, but please everyone you have to practice braking and trust the ABS when it starts to do its job(keep the pressure on) I try my hardest to instill this into the students I teach from the BRC all the way to the ARC and all courses in-between.

The easiest thing you can do on a motorcycle is go fast in a straight line so if you go fast in a straight line learn to stop fast at the same speeds.
ABS I understand. Emergency stops are enhanced a lot by such electronic gadgetry because the computer can sense stuff a gagillion times per second and can adjust accordingly. Humans are less precise.

Now I don't want to piss on anyone's parade but ... auto cancelling blinkers? I mean, the cancel button is right there under your thumb, mate. I know some bikes come with it standard these days but it's hardly a necessity.

If someone can't remember to turn their blinkers off after a corner, I'd politely suggest that they're not bringing their "A game" to this whole motorcycle riding deal.

With that electronic blinker cancelling box thingy that turns off your blinkers if you leave them on, what happens when you want to use your blinkers again? Presumably the switch is still on so you then have to cancel them anyway so they can be switched on again, right? Or am I missing something here?
After doing a face plant this time last year in wet conditions on a non-ABS bike, and the first time riding the Rocket with my wife on back during a group ride in the hills of western North Carolina with steep downhill runs on poor pavement with loose stones, I'm a firm believer in ABS.
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I’ve just received my STS package this week and hope to fit it this weekend. If the advertising is right it senses variance in angle and speed to cancel indicators after turns, roundabouts and lane changes.
How Much does this cost? The Harley has auto turn signals but i am so use to hitting the off button you would not know it. Just a observation I have noticed that the guy who pulls up to a stop sign or stop light and drops both feet to the ground and looks every where but his rear view mirrors is the same guy riding down the rode with his turn signal still on. Just a observation.
The Rocket X is my first bike with ABS. Saved my butt a few times.
My 2010 Touring signals turn off by them self after 8 seconds and 65 Meters. Or you can press the center of the button.
I don't know about other models.

... Thanks, that is exactly what I need to know....

Note that the Touring System is NOT retrofit-able to the classic or Roadster models - the turn signals on a Touring are controlled by the Instrument Panel.

One of the afore-mentioned after-market solutions would be the way to go - the ST2 certainly looks interesting as a truly active system, rather than a timer.
Incidentally there is an Amazon promotion on that product that says if you buy two there is 20% off, so consider going in with a friend.
(Not sure if discount only applies after completing purchase - I put two in cart as a test and it did not immediately apply the discount)
That would make it $79 vs $99 so attractive at that price I would say .........
... auto cancelling blinkers? I mean, the cancel button is right there under your thumb, mate. I know some bikes come with it standard these days but it's hardly a necessity.
Who here has a car without them? - I actually do - but only because they broke.