Im all for wages but lets be fare, some of us arnt making 100's$ per hour, i dont mind trades charing fairly, and i understand business need to pay for there shop/emplyees, thats not the issue..
Shopping around (here in canada at least) Im hear cocky comments like just throw me your wallet etc.. which i find from a professional level a little disturbing. Im from a different industry perhaps this is the norm for auto tuners?
Neville, I respect your opinion in this field you know your stuff for sure without question, what is the amount of hours to fabricate piping/turbo for this sorta thing? Do people not touch this becuase its small runs / not worth there time?
I love the AUD to USD Conversion right now, im +1 for buying everything out of Australia currently
Id absolutely love to see more kits available for this bike, id offer up to participate as a part of a group buy or be the test pilot in making / refining a kit..
Re who quoted 10k for a turbo.. Marks Workshop in west Oz.