Red - First run after warm up (baseline 1, blowing out the carbon) Blue - Second baseline with hot oil and cool engine (baseline 2) Green - Intermediate low end work. Yellow - Results from tuning.
TuneECU - map:
Rev limit: 6700 rpm
Speed limiter: 299kph/185.8mph
Idle and speedo corrections.
Full remap- step tuned with EGA.
Wayne, If I understand this correctly, you took a Rocket with the factory 20227 tune and listed mods, and remapped using Tune ECU only. Was the O2 sensor disconnected/disabled? I'm thinking that if I load your new tune then my PC3 should be disconnected/set to a zero map. Many thanks for the work and info you have shared!
A PC3 will sometimes slightly alter mapping even with a zero map. But that would let you get a feel for the mapping.
Be advised that for one reason or another, this particular bike ran very poorly prior to tuning. I am not sure of the reason it was so rich at low throttle openings, but had to reduce fueling at low throttle openings and up to 4000 rpm.
Wish you weren't 9 hours away!
When I open up your map, I see you still have the O2 sensor enabled. Was that your choice or the owners, and which do you think is best?
Thanks! Just wanted to make sure my set-up was the same so I might get similar results. I want to keep the PC3 around in case I run across someone who can fine tune my bike. As you have said, that will be a lot easier if they start with a tune thats close, so only a little tweeking is needed.