TuneBoy will blow your socks off


321 GONE
Feb 15, 2007
Gold Coast Australia
Wayne from TuneBoy has come up with some great new stuff for the Rocket. Three different tunes in your ECU that can be changed by pulling the clutch five times in less than two seconds. One for power, one for economy, one for wet roads. Also auto tune software for Innovate LC-1 wide band O2 sensors. For fast take offs he is also working on fuel cut out code using the side stand circuit.
new tunes

This looks great! will it be available for the R3T?
Also how do you squeeze the clutch 5 times in less than 2 seconds??
can that be done easily?
New map features for TuneBoy users

I have been working on some new TuneBoy maps for the Rocket III.
These maps have the following features that don't exist in standard Triumph maps.
1. Three fuel and ignition trim maps, these show as extra tables in the TuneEdit program, they are Fuel Trim 1,2,3 and Ignition Trim 1,2,3.
These maps have the same index points as a PCIII map, 0,2,5,10,20,40,60,80 and 100% throttle and 500RPM increments for revs.
The idea is that you can have trim map 1 set for best power, trim map 2 for better fuel economy and trim map 3 could be for wet roads (Ignition retard for example).
Switching maps is done in the following way.
Turn the ignition on (Without starting the bike)
pull the clutch in/out five quick pulls (Must be within 2 seconds for it to switch)
When it changes to the next map it will indicate this by making the rev counter go up once for map 1, twice for map 2, three times for map 3. After map 3 it goes back to map 1.
The ECU will remember the map you are using so you only need to do the clutch thing when you want to change the map.

2. We have a new program TuneBoyTrim, this works with these new maps to allow real time adjustments to the map, fuel and ignition can be adjusted while the motor is running. This will speed up tuning.

3. If you have access to one of the Innovate LC-1 wide band O2 sensors the new TuneboyTrim program will auto tune the fuel map.

Any TuneBoy customers who want these new maps should email support@tuneboy.com.au include your details so I can verify you are a TuneBoy customer.
I will not have these maps on our web site for anyone to download for obvious reasons.​
I didn't think you guys would want the quick shifter option.
If you do I have also been working on code to add a quick shifter using the sidestand switch.
This works in the following way.
You put an extra switch in line with the side stand switch, this gets triggered on upshifts.
When the bike is under 10kph the sidestand switch will work in the normal way, this prevents riding off with the side stand down.
Once over 10kph and an RPM/TP (that you have selected) the code in the ECU will prevent the normal side stand kill and will kill fuel for a designated time.
Once the time is up the ECU will not go to full power (To save gearbox load), instead it gives two cyls back with ignition retard, then all cyls back with full ignition.
Simple but I think it will work well.
I can also add an option for a shift light (Using SAI output from ECU).
Another option I could add is auto up shifts using an air shifter.
Example: When you are at full throttle and reach the ideal shift point for each gear, the SAI output could be activated along with the speed shift fuel kill, this will kill fuel and activate the air shifter at the same time.
Ideal for a fast takeoff at the drags.
Could also add launch control.
IE: When speed below 10kph the rev limit is lowered to 3000, this means you can hold full throttle and the revs will not go past 3000.
Let the clutch out and the rev limit is put back to the normal value.

We have added this new code for all tunes, Roadster included.

I am adding a turbo to my 1050 SpeedTriple, the extra fuel and ignition retard will be handled with extra code in the ECU, I will also be providing new turbo maps for the Rocket III, these will

Any other options you would like please let me know. Almost anything can be done.​
Wayne from TuneBoy has come up with some great new stuff for the Rocket. Three different tunes in your ECU that can be changed by pulling the clutch five times in less than two seconds. One for power, one for economy, one for wet roads. Also auto tune software for Innovate LC-1 wide band O2 sensors. For fast take offs he is also working on fuel cut out code using the side stand circuit.
How is the ECU supposed to know I pulled in the clutch? Last I looked, there weren't any electrical connections for the clutch.
its one of them obvious reasons:D:D:D:D
..... one of them obvious, purposely planted rumors?!? :D:p:p:D
Invented by someone who didn't realize there wasn't any way for the clutch to communicate with the ECM?

I had my suspicions. ;)
yep like clutch switch 54 to pin A25 on the ECU.

If I were Tune Boy I would control their software goodies so it does not get copied.