TTS Supercharger

@RICHARD ALBANS sorry to hear of your personal loss and health issues mate and I thank you for your passion and enthusiasm for your craft that we all benefit from.
One day I’ll want to get a GT and install your manic magic
David Lightman can do it, he beat WOPR didn't he?
Apologies to @RICHARD ALBANS for derailing your thread. I really am curious and happy to learn what computer magic you can do. I am not a fan of ECUs myself but do recognize their worth when tuning a bike to its fullest potential; if it can be unlocked...
Gears of War in Horde mode is my game. If you're into it, I'm your man.
OK so things are moving on. My reground cams will be here next week and my JE forged pistons. The cams are coming back with about 0.8mm more lift and more duration. Not as much as I had hoped but at least the shims will still be in range. I think I will test them on their own first. Just for a base line. Then put the pistons in and rebuild with the same cams and put the blower on. This is going to be fun. Watch this space!!