TTS Supercharger

1. Buy New Rocket
2. Void Warranty
I Love It!
Valid point, still the buyer's bike - their money..
Besides, local dealer had no problem with de-catted 1200 Scrambler so i guess there's no "hard limit" set as to what is kosher and what is not concerning warranty.
Nice work. This is the R&D that is needed for the new 2.5l bikes.

There might e quite a bit of potential to unlock even without boost. Full throttle, increased intake and exhaust and a little more cam would wake the thing up quite a bit.
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Sadly - In Europe, I think it'd pretty much lead to all sorts of issues come MoT time if not before.
Here most certainly. Euro4 and now especially Euro5 bikes are put under the microscope.
The aftermarket pipe on my KTM was getting the wrong sort of glances despite being 100% E-approved.
So I made up an exit embellishing ring so it looks as if it's not dB killer-less.

Jesus, very sorry to read that. Best wishes to you and your family. I can feel your pain.

Look forward
Hi Richard, long time no see. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, and your recent troubles.
More power to your elbow on improving the 2.5, but I just though I'd let you know that your original (and best) is still putting a smile on my face and flew through it's MoT once again yesterday.
I'm off out to burn some rubber, but not in Wales, unfortunatley.
Chin up old chap.